Chiropractic Care for Workplace Injuries

Injuries that happen in the workplace often seem minor because there are few visible signs or symptoms. The truth is that very serious and debilitating injuries occur in the workplace everyday, and failure to seek proper medical care can cause injuries to heal improperly or result in a lifetime of unnecessary suffering. Chiropractic care for workplace injuries is proven to help relieve pain and get employees back to work sooner!

Workplace injuries aren’t always sudden

When most people think about workplace injuries, they picture a slip-and-fall scenario or a perhaps a mishap on an assembly line. While injuries like these can and do happen regularly in factories and on work sites, the majority of workplace injuries are much less dramatic, and can even develop over a long period of time:

  • Wrist and neck injury from months or even years of seated office work
  • Low back pain from regularly carrying heavy loads
  • Joint problems resulting from repeated overuse
  • Back pain from regularly twisting or overextending

What to do after a workplace injury

After an accident at work, it is important to notify your supervisor immediately, even if you think the injury is minor. After all, many signs of injury do not reveal themselves for a day or so after the injury occurs. It is better to be safe than sorry and always file appropriate documentation of your injury and make sure your employer is aware of what happened.

If you experience consistent discomfort while performing your duties at work, you may have developed a workplace injury that occurred over time. Even if your job is not physically demanding, you are still at risk of developing any number of chronic musculoskeletal issues. For example, an employee who works at a desk doing computer work all day can develop chronic low back pain if his work station and seat are not ergonomically designed for prolonged use. Low back pain accounts for nearly 65% of workplace injuries![1] A chiropractic evaluation can help determine if your injury is work-related.

Why chiropractic care is ideal for many workplace injuries

Chiropractic care is the perfect choice for the treatment of many workplace injuries. Natural, non-invasive and highly effective in correcting any number of musculoskeletal problems, chiropractic care has been proven to help employees return to work 2-3 days sooner after a workplace injury.[2] This means fewer days of work lost and less workers’ compensation costs to the employer.

Chiropractic is unique in its treatment of all injuries. Instead of reducing pain with drugs that simply mask symptoms temporarily, chiropractors examine an injury to determine the cause of the pain, and seek to correct the specific problems they identify to provide long-lasting relief. When employees seek chiropractic treatment for their workplace injuries, they can expect gentle, high-quality health care that helps manage their pain without drugs and minimizes both their risk of future surgeries and chronic, lifelong pain resulting from their injuries.

After a workplace accident or injury, make an appointment for a chiropractic evaluation. We are experts at diagnosing the cause of your pain and identifying any joint, spine or muscular injuries that may become chronic conditions if left untreated. We will help you feel better faster with the safe, natural and effective healing that can only come from chiropractic care.


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