Tips to Maintaining Proper Posture

Tips to Maintaining Proper Posture

An estimated 80 percent of the US population will experience back pain at some point in their life. Learning proper posture habits is crucial if you are hoping to be part of the 20 percent that does not suffer from back related pain. Sometimes the simplest of activities, like relaxing or even sleeping, can wreak as much havoc on your body as standing for hours at a time. But what constitutes good posture? If you have good posture, all of your body parts will be balanced and supported whether you’re standing, sitting or lying down.

A healthy back has three natural curves, an inward or forward curve, an outward or backward curve and an inward curve at the lower back. People with good posture will maintain these three curves while poor postured individuals will suffer from strained or pulled muscles that cause pain. Chiropractors are experts at analyzing posture and spinal problems. They are trained in the art of detection and searching for the problems that exist as a result of poor posture. By analyzing spinal curvatures and alignment, your chiropractor is able to determine what contributes to the postural problem.

We encourage our patients to pay attention to their posture at all times. Proper posture helps you stand, walk, sit and lie in positions that place the least strain on the supporting muscles and ligaments during movement and weight-bearing activities. The American Chiropractic Association states that correct posture should:

  • Help keep bones and joints in correct alignment
  • Reduce stress on ligaments holding spinal joints together
  • Allow muscles to work more efficiently, allowing the body to use less energy and prevent muscle fatigue
  • Help prevent muscle strain, overuse disorders and even back and muscular pain

Poor posture can lead to excessive strain on your postural muscles. This strain can cause the muscles to relax when held in certain positions for extended periods of time, which makes them more susceptible to injury and chronic pain. There are many factors that contribute to poor posture, but in most cases, patients suffer because of stress, obesity and weak postural muscles.

It is possible to improve your posture with the right kind of help. While there are many things you can learn on the internet, when it comes to your health, one of the most beneficial things you can do is seek professional help. Your chiropractor can assist you with proper posture by recommending exercises to strengthen your core postural muscles. Chiropractors can also assist you with choosing proper postures during your activities, helping reduce your risk of injury.

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